RAID Advanced Features
While traditionally enterprise level features, OCE & ORLM have become available to
consumers at a low cost. Of the RAID cards OWC offers, HighPoint RocketRAID cards
support OCE & ORLM as a standard feature. These features offer easy expandability and
management to RAID arrays, so you are not locked in to one configuration.
Online Capacity Expansion (OCE)
OCE allows for the expansion of a RAID array without the need to take down the system. For
example, when a fully functional 3 drive RAID 5 system is getting full, OCE allows a 4th drive
to be added in without destroying the existing data.
Online RAID Level Migration (ORLM)
ORLM gives the ability to change the type of RAID without destroying the existing data. For
example, a 4 drive RAID 0 system can be switched to a 5 drive RAID 5 system. With ORLM
you always need to be adding drives to the array.